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Legal Notice


Responsible for publication: SAS ACAJOU
Business name of the operating company: SAS ACAJOU
9 impasse des Huppes, 66700 Argelès-sur-mer, France
Telephone number: 0468899669
Individual VAT identification number: FR11539170167
Siret number: 539 170 169 00024
Share capital: 150,000 €

Any user who has submitted directly or indirectly nominative information has a
right of access and rectification in accordance with law n ° 7817 of 6/01/78 (Data processing and Freedom)
from the site administrator.
Hypertext links
The sites outside SAS ACAJOU having a hypertext link with this site are not under
control of SAS ACAJOU, which therefore declines any responsibility for their content.
The user is solely responsible for their use.

By accessing this site, you are informed that the use of the Internet requires compliance with a set
legislation relating in particular to copyright and the Data Protection Act. SAS
ACAJOU cannot be held liable for errors or omissions, the publisher reserving
also the right to modify and update the data of the site at any time.

In application of the French Code of Intellectual Property, reproduction for a use other than
private, the sale, distribution, publication, adaptation or communication, in whole or in part, of
data (presentation, layout of the site, photos, texts and illustrations protected by copyright)
are strictly subject to the prior written authorization of the holders of the rights mentioned above.

Any user who has submitted directly or indirectly nominative information has a
right of access and rectification in accordance with law n ° 7817 of 6/01/78 (Data processing and Freedoms)
from the site administrator.

Identity of the controller
The Site is edited by the operating company whose contact details are above.
Access to the website and the use of its content are made within the framework of the legal notices.
instructions described below.
Nature of personal data:
“Personal data” is understood to mean any personal information that you are likely to obtain.
share with the operating company and which can allow the latter, directly or indirectly, to
identify you as a natural person, for example during a website visit, a
request for information, a room reservation and other services.
Personal data collected:
You may be asked to provide your personal data when you browse the site
web of the operating company.
The mandatory or optional nature of the information requested is indicated to you during collection by
an asterisk "*". The information requested marked with an asterisk is mandatory because

essential for processing your various requests. The other information is intended for
to know you better, to improve the services offered to you. They are, therefore,
The operating company collects and processes in particular your last name, first name, email address,
billing, telephone number, IP address, connection data and navigation data, your
preferences and interests (non-smoking room, preferred room, type of stay ...), your opinions in

When is your personal data collected ?
• You browse the website (IP address and Cookies) and consult products or services;
• You share your observations / comments with the operating company in certain
sections, via questionnaires or contact forms, official page of the social networks of the
operating company;
• You send the operating company an electronic message;
• You subscribe to the newsletter mailing list;
• You share a page or an offer by sending an email or through a network
• You answer a satisfaction questionnaire;
• You request a quote.
Data storage:
The information collected is stored in our various reservation systems on the basis of
secure and SSL certified data.
This database includes: the names of clients, their addresses, their telephone numbers, their
position, company name and credit card details. We can also
record other information such as your room preferences, meals,
drinks and other services as well as your stay history in our establishment.

Purpose of data collection by the operating company
Through the website, the operating company collects data concerning you which are
strictly necessary for the following purposes:
1. In order to manage your requests for information and reservations, as well as any
2. To improve and personalize the services of the operating company in order to facilitate your
navigation on the website;
3. To manage and monitor the entire customer relationship;
4. Manage registration for news and promotional offers from the operating company (newsletter);
5. To manage all your access requests according to the legislation in force;
6. Manage unpaid bills and litigation;
7. Manage applications for job offers from the operating company that
have caught your attention, or any unsolicited application;
8. The measurement of quality and satisfaction.
In the absence of a response to the mandatory information, your request cannot be taken into account.
Commitments of the operating company regarding the protection of personal data
Transparency and purpose:
No personal data is or will be collected without your knowledge. The optional or compulsory nature
information to be communicated to the operating company as part of the collection carried out on the site
Internet will be indicated to you beforehand, via the presence of the symbol "*" asterisk. The society
operator collects and processes your personal data only for the purposes described herein
Legal Notice.

Proportionality and relevance :
The operating company only collects and processes the personal data necessary for the proper
processing your request or customizing the services offered to you.
Data storage time:
The operating company only keeps your personal data for the period necessary for their
processing in accordance with what is provided for by applicable law.
Security and confidentiality:
The operating company undertakes to take the necessary measures to guarantee the confidentiality of
data and not to disclose to unauthorized third parties.
We may need to transmit your personal information to local authorities, if this is
required by law or as part of an investigation and in accordance with local regulations.
Like most websites, certain information is automatically recorded via a
protocol. This information includes protocol addresses (IP address), type of browser used,
internet service provider, referring and end pages, operating system, date,
time and Clickstream data.
Cookies do not record information provided by users during a reservation
online or when registering a customer account. Cookies identify your browser instead
than yourself and cannot by themselves be enough to reveal your identity.
Respect for your rights:
You are informed of your rights of interrogation, access, rectification and opposition for reasons
legitimate as well as your right to oppose commercial prospecting in accordance with
provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978.
Rights of access, rectification and opposition:
In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and
Freedoms, you benefit, on simple written request, from a right of access and rectification on
information about you.
You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data you
To exercise one of these rights and obtain communication of information concerning you, simply
contact the operating company, the contact details of which are available at the start of these Notices

When viewing the website, certain information relating to the navigation of your terminal
are likely to be saved in files called "Cookies" installed on your device,
subject to the choices you have expressed regarding cookies and that you can modify at
any time.
A cookie is a small text file saved in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your terminal, at
the opportunity to consult an online service using your browser software. It allows its
issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered, during the period of validity or
saving the cookie.
The cookies that the operating company issues are used for the purposes described below, for the duration of
validity of the cookie concerned, subject to your choices resulting from the settings of your
navigation used during your visit to the website and whose settings you can change at any time
Cookies from partner companies (third-party cookies) may be placed on your computer
via the website pages
Only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.
Different types of cookies are used on the website, they have different purposes. Some are
necessary for your use of the website.

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